
Life musings and Photography learnings - AKA Lozas Blog

I don’t see myself as a leader, but perhaps through sharing more of me in this space with you all, I might nourish someone in a small way.

I’m not entirely sure what this Blog will become, however I’m diving in. It will likely be a mixture of sharing of humanity, life experiences and of course Photography related content. I’m constantly learning myself so often don’t feel equipped to ‘teach’, however I’m open to sharing what I do know and give more insight into how I work if it is of interest to others, and like I said, may nourish. Nourish learning, nourish confidence, nourish the thirst to express and create. Nourish a sense of community, because we all need support to grow and thrive.

I don’t see myself as a leader, but perhaps through sharing more of me in this space with you all, I might nourish someone in a small way.

I’m not entirely sure what this Blog will become, however I’m diving in. It will likely be a mixture of sharing of humanity, life experiences and of course Photography related content. I’m constantly learning myself so often don’t feel equipped to ‘teach’, however I’m open to sharing what I do know and give more insight into how I work if it is of interest to others, and like I said, may nourish. Nourish learning, nourish confidence, nourish the thirst to express and create. Nourish a sense of community, because we all need support to grow and thrive.


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Time was not theirs to own. Nor to understand.

In the absence of certainty, they came together.

Three sisters.

Sensing. cloaking, succumbing.

Together they shall be.

Enter into slumber.

Models: Jemma, Zoe & Miah

Hair and Make Up: Lilli and Pearl

Floristry: Benjamin at Victoria Hall

The backstory of ‘Slumber’

This shoot centres on collaboration and reaching out to fellow kin. Georgia (Lilli and Pearl) and I connected on Instagram and struck up a conversation. I was feeling stifled getting through work and struggling to find time to get out with my camera and shoot just for me. Georgia posted a call out for doing a styled shoot, so I messaged her to say I’d be keen to join in and have a creative play. Being the awesome, positive and welcoming soul she is, we were soon planning our play date. We had to schedule it nearly two months in advance as we don’t live close to each other and hectic with life, but the wait was worth it.

The plan was to meet up (for the first time), head to an abandoned family farm and start shooting to the theme of ‘southern gothic’. We would both approach the shoot differently, that was the fun! I had some loose ideas around what I wanted to create, but most of it just evolved on the day. Sitting in that space of the unknown is the best bit…and the most stressful. The uncertainty leads you to be influenced by your surrounds, your current emotions and just start creating. Some things work better than others. You learn and grow. Getting out and experimenting is always better than not shooting at all.

I think when you go out to do personal shoots, you really just have to let go of what anyone else is going to think. You have to let the ‘potential’ opinions of others go so it doesn’t influence what you create. Just shoot for you.

There are definitely criticisms I have of my photos, but I’ve taken that on board and will learn from it. I also have images I was really happy with that spoke to me in some sort of way. They are the ones I will build on. Last reflection, that I bloody love shooting on my Mamiya! I think the few frames I took on it are my favourites from the shoot. For those not sure what my Mamiya is, it is a twin lens reflex camera, that I shoot with 120 film. Often referred to as ‘the beast’, my beautiful beast.

So I hope you enjoy ‘Slumber’. But even if you don’t it doesn’t matter as I did this for meeeeeee! ;)

I’m sure there will be more collaborative plays with Lili and Pearl in the future, doing this shoot was really enjoyable. On that note, feel free to hit me up if you want to collaborate! I’m hoping to make more of a habit out of getting out of my usual routine and playing around with my camera more. I would be especially interested to see if anyone would like to submit a short story, poem or song lyrics to me for me to run off with and create visuals for? You could be anywhere in the world and we could merge our creative minds to see what eventuates. Reach out if you’re keen, I’d love to hear from you. x